Sunday, July 22, 2012

Preparation...Trust and Believe

Over the course of the past week, God has truly showed me that He knows that plans that He has for me.  About a month ago, I received a change in the course that I was going to assist with this session.  In the change, I was introduced to another colleague that has provided great insight into the next stage of my professional identity development. In the short time that I have worked with this individual he has shared information that has required me to think deeply and introspectively.  During the time, I have heard from God regarding a possible dissertation topic which I am excited. 

The information shared has allowed me to look at the values that govern my life.  When your situation is not matching up with the values (principles on which you stand) , it may be time for your to make some changes. God has been speaking me about the next stage but I have been fighting fear.  I say that I trust and believe that He knows that plans that he has for me and these plans are to prosper me and give me an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).  I must exercise my faith and believe that it will come to pass. 

God has showed me these plans and He has also opened the opportunity for me to teach. Lifelong learning is one of the values on my list and there are others that will continue to move me toward meaningful work.  My desire to be align with the plans God has for me and my value is intentional.  I will keep you posted on the next move.


Make a list of your top 5 -  7 values and define each one to what it means to you. Also ask God what His plans are for your life by trusting and believing that He will bring them to pass.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Time Management or Not?

Over the past couple of weeks the concept of time has been pushed to the forefront of my mind.  I attended a funeral and one of the ministers broke down the timespan of the person's life by years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.  How well did this person utilize the time that he had on earth?  Then I was reminded that time is not to be managed.  I was thinking that I needed to manage my time better. God quickly spoke to me and reminded me that I can not manage time but I could use my time more intentionally. 

How many times have you said, I need more hours in the day to get things accomplished?  I know that I have said that many times. The other day, while sitting in a meeting for upcoming practicum students they were reminded that we are all given 168 hours a week.  The students were asked to take into account all the things that use their times so that they could plan to have an additional 20 hours of activity in their life.  So let us think, how are you really using your time? 

The intentional use of time is key to accomplishing goals and living an empowered life.  If the goal is to exercise, intentionally schedule time each day to exercise.  If the goal is to start a business, schedule time to begin working on your busines plan for 15 minutes a day.  There are things in our lives that are time wasters such as watching mindless TV, social media for hours at a time, etc. This week look at your time and schedule what is priority to the intentional times you want to spend your time.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


How many times have you been in your car using your GPS system and you had to be redirected because you missed your turn?  Redirection does not mean that you are not going to make it to your destination, it means that the route you were taking had to change.  Revisioning means that a change has been made in the original document or plan.  Repositioning is being placed in your rightful position again.  These three words are similar in nature but also offer hope to get to our destination.

Over the course of time, I have made plans of how I wanted things to work out or set goals for my destiny.  Sometimes it has happen as plan but other times I have been redirected to do it a different way.  I have been wrestling in making a decision regarding my next destination in my professional journey.  I have become overwhelmed and feeling like that I was running out of time when it came to making a decision that would have an impact on my destiny. 

After much contemplation, I realized that although the path has been redirected reaching the destination will be the same.  In the situations of when we want to change positions, we have to look at where we are and look for new opportunities until the time comes to move on.  The vision that God has given to us will come to pass...we just have to look at the minor adjustments to the plan as the opportunity to know about His will for our life.