A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. - Proverbs 18:16
How many times have you admired someone that is really talented or as we say in the church - anointed? Sometimes you may even say, I wish I could sing like Beyonce or speak like Maya Angelou. Each of these individuals have tapped into their gifting. Everyone has gifts and talents that reside inside of them. Some of them are readily noticed when you practice your craft and then there are others that reside right under the surface and show up when you are working in your flow. You may say, what is my gift? A gift is defined as a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent.
So many times we do not get the opportunity to walk in our gifts because we do not know exactly what our gift(s) are due to the fact that they do not pop right out and wow the world. As you think about what it is that you really enjoy doing without any fuss or strain but you just flow in it that is your gift. If you hide your gift from the world then we will miss out of what you have to offer. Or if you covet anothers gift and think that your gift is not all that because you don't sing like someone or believe that your gift is not important, we are missing out on it.
This past week, I had the opportunity to work in my gifting and it was energy filling. I had the opportunity to co-facilitated a workshop with one of my favorite colleagues Dr. Joshua Stanley. We presented to a group of clinical supervisors. I have heard the statistics that anywhere from 75-80% of people have the fear of speaking in public. One of my gifts is exhortation and it comes with the enjoyment of being able to speak in public through encouraging others. So this means that I fall in the 25% that actually enjoy speaking in public.
Raise your hand if you remember standing in front of the crowd and having to saying an Easter or Christmas speech. I remember as a child having to participate and then also participating in oratorical competitions....it was always so much fun to me. God blessed me with this gift so I can not continue to hide behind it.
I would like to assist you in discovering your gift(s) or help you to walk in your gift(s) by uncovering opportunities to experience your flow.
I would like to help you to discover your gift(s) or assist you in walking in your gift(s) by creating opportunities for you to flow.