Friday, April 26, 2013

Successor Planning

We are at the end of April which means that I am coming to the end of my season at Family & Children's Service.  It has been seven years since I began working as a counselor to turn over the reins of the Counseling and Community Based Services to my successor-I have such a peace. I have been able to see the strategic planning of God all over this transition into independent business owner. 

The true understanding of Jeremiah 1:5- "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.... God has plan my succession.  He does this alot of times and we do not understand just how strategic He is in His planning. I have always questioned why did I major in Business and then later get a Master's Degree in Counseling.  While having lunch with my #1 sand, she spoke the words that your were marketing yourself when you got your Bachelor's degree in Marketing for such a time as this.  You were majoring in Business to make money but it was much bigger than that. When I began working on my Master's it was for the purpose of serving the faith based community.  I have felt the call to provide training services around mental health education to ministry leaders and volunteers. The trajectory of my career over the past 7 years has been one of God's strategic planning.

Initally, I was calling the person who would take over my position as my replacement, but God reminded me that this person would not replace me.  The thought hit me that this person would be my successor.  We have had the opportunity to work together this week and it has been like meeting a old friend.  She said, " I feel like I have come back home." It is time for her to move into position because God has strategically planned this handoff.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What are you saying?

Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with two colleagues will dining in Italy. Ok, not in Italy but in an Italian restaurant. We have a monthly meeting of the minds in a destination of our choosing. The reason I say opportunity is because the time was filled with introspection and spiritual connection. Well the time spent yesterday was so confirming and affirming. Dr. J.  shared her experience while attending a training and spending time with dear friends. She posed the question, do you believe we can create our life with what we speak? This question took me to the Word spoken on Sunday- Seize What You Say'

The conversation transitioned to how we can rewrite our story by how we speak it. As a counselor, part of the work I do with a client is to get the client to tell their story and then help them to re-construct their story outside of who they are.

Our tongue allows us to speak life or death into our being Proverbs 18:21. The realization that the adage- sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This is not so! What we speak to self or others can change the person. Choose to speak life and create your destiny. Speak life to those around you and watch how they change.

Psalm 45:1- My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Joy Replaces Fear

This week, I was feeling some anxiety because of the choice that I have made about launching out into the deep and going full-time into business owner.  I was questioning why I was not as excited as others about my new adventure.  The realization hit me that I was beginning to fear the unknown and was not experiencing the joy of expectation. 

Well as God usually does, He reminds me that He has me in this by showing me revelation through His Word and in practical matters. I have been reading God Sized Dreams by Heather Gerth and in my reading it said fear is part of the process.  Wow!  When I needed that nugget of encouragement it was just on time.  Then during bible study, God reminded me that the process is part of getting to my destiny and that I am an EAGLE.  Eagles fly into the eye of the storm to build their strength in their wings so that they can soar.

I replaced my fear with the joy of expecting the unexpected and the excitement of what my future holds of moving into business ownership.  The coming true of my dreams.  I remember that when I started my Master's program that my purpose for going through the program and getting licensed was to own my own business.  The dream of this is where I am walking but the God size dream is much larger than I expected and then waiting for what He has purposed for me.

Are you being called into your God sized dream?  The one that is beyond who you are but a part of who you are as God calls you into destiny.

Walk into your destiny!!!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Searching For the Me That I Am

In the constant journey of self-improvement, the question is posed when will we be at our true self. Some would argue never because we are always evolving. I beg to differ because my belief is that the essence of the true you was deposited inside of you before your entrance on earth.  So we are searching for the "me" before all of the stories were written about who you are suppose to be in this world.  Before we adopted certain beliefs, values and roles. Our stories have helped us to survive in this ever changing world but our true "me" is searching.   Circumstances and events have mirrored your perspective of who you are, but are these perspectives true of who you really are.  Yes, they happened but did they take value from your true self-worth.

The realization that we all seek love and we seek it differently is paramount to how we receive love and how we see who we are.  We are asking someone to love our true self even when we have put up our world invented self. The essence of who we are is calling out for you to return back to that place of authenticity. This awakening and searching shows up in different ways from seeking balance in your everyday life or being frustrated because the relationships are not aligning like they should or just one day waking up and say I want more. 

Center yourself and begin to listen to what your authentic self is saying.