Sunday, March 18, 2012

Singleness in the City

Yesterday, I attended a focus group hosted by a colleague on Single in the City.  The composition of the group was varied.  The discussion helped me to see the different perspective and similarities of the singleness.  We shared in the discussion of the myths, stereotypes, "just how darn right RUDE statements people have made regarding being single, challenges and opportunities.  It was a great discussion because it helped me to settle more into my own singleness.  It also reminded me of various conversations that I have held over the past month with new and old acquintances about what is right with me in singleness and not what is wrong with with me. I have also realized that this season of singleness has helped me to grow as a person, I have been able to do and learn some things that would have been different if I had been married.  Singleness does come with its cross to bear especially when you desire companionship and marriage. 

Single sisters and brothers, share your myths, stereotypes, challenges and opportunities.......

1 comment:

  1. The most irritating comment that I recall from my single days was that I didn't have to clean house. I wondered and still do, how people thought my house got clean without me doing it.

    Enjoy this season of your life. As much as I enjoy being married and definitly would not change that, I look back fondly on my single days. You will too, I'm sure.
