Sunday, January 13, 2013

Failure Is Not An Option

On one of the groups that I follow on Facebook, the question was posed, "What is one thing you would do if you knew you would not fail?"  There were over 1,000 responses and the top three answers were follow my purpose, start a business and lose weight.  It is interesting that these are part of the areas of improvement that I am seeking.

My response was to turn in my resignation and start my coaching and leadership academy.  So I began to think about why the fear of failure keeps us stuck in a place of uncomfortability.  The fear of failure or the unknown stifles us from reaching our greatest potential and causes the world to miss out on what we have to bring to the world.

Who is to say that we would fail anyway?  Successful individuals may have not made it on the first try but they continue to press forward and we end up seeing their success.  I made the decision not to  allow the fear of failure to keep me stuck, I will begin working on getting my coaching and leadership academy up and going so that I can release my current position to the next person to carry the torch. 

How many times does a toddler stumble and fall before they are up and walking?  If we did not get up and try again, we would all be sitting and waiting for someone to carry us or we would be crawling on our hands and knees.  Failure is not an option is you plan to be successful. 

So What is the One thing you would do if you knew you would not fail?  Make a committment to yourself to take the first step and if you stumble take another step.  You will soon be walking in your purpose, desire and destiny.


  1. Congratulations to you! I look forward to hearing about your academy.

  2. So proud of you for making this important decision! If God led you to do it, then it will be...many times we stand in our own way of success and if we just let God have the reigns we would be fine. So that begs the question, "Do we not trust God?" Most will say of course I do, but in reality our second guessing everything He tells us to do is not trusting...hummmmm So glad you are trusting Him.
