Sunday, June 30, 2013

Living Your Truth

I should be working on my dissertation at this very moment, but I have been watching Oprah's Super Soul Sunday with India.Arie.  I have been an admirer of both of these ladies because they are living their true authentic self.  The conversation held has been one that has spoken to my spirit and the essence of what I want to do.  I seek to live my true authentic self but I get caught up in the judgment of self and the perceived judgment of others.  The understanding that I am not living my authentic self when I shrink back because I am afraid of the judgments of others.  The realization is that I judge others through the lens of what I believe others are judging me. 

India.Arie share several lessons....Your real job in the world is to be you.  I love this because I believe that there are times that we are in other peoples lanes when we want what they have or strive to be who we are not.  We were created for specific plans (Jeremiah 29:11)....these are plans that God have for us and these plans will come with the expected end. 

Another lesson shared was ....telling the truth is really not in what you say but in how you show up.  Wow, when you show up in the truth of who you are then you are being true but if your actions are incongruent with who you are showing up as then you are living a lie.  Being inconsistent in what you do everyday with friends, families, and the world, you are not allowing others to live their truth because they are reacting to your untrue self.  I am working to get past the inconsistent me and live the true me.  It is not being is about living in the true spirit of who I am. 

Live each day in your truth so that you can bless the world with who you are.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Emotional Rollercoaster

The past couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions for me.  I realize that things can change in a moments notice and how they can also be seen from different perspectives.  I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago which included the celebration of my sister's 40th birthday.  Fun was had by all and the opportunity to see the islands through the eyes of others was great.  The opportunity to walk through a rainforest and see a natural waterfall was breathtaking.  I have always said that I wanted a waterfall in my house.  Nothing compares to the beauty of God's nature.

While on my trip, I received a message from a friend about a possible contract opportunity.  I knew that once I returned from vacation that I would have to really hit the ground running to develop my business contacts.  Once returning, I contacted the friend and got the appropriate information to make contact regarding the contract.  My situation turned around in a matter of 30 minutes going from submitting my information to a phone conversation with an offer to do some contract work.  What great news!!!! 

Fast forward to the next hour, I got a text from my sister stating they were calling an ambulance for my mom.  My mom was having problems breathing....she was having problem from our vacation due to the long travel, different altitude and weather, difference in treatment. This has increased my emotions from jubilation to anxiety.  Then the added stress of talebearing individuals that create drama.  This current situation has me thinking about the place of adult children becoming family caregivers and the impact of having to care for my aging parents.  I am so grateful that I have such a supportive family and that my sisters and I are a team.

I know it is the perspective from which you see things is how you handle things.  Perspective changes things so much. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

LIFE....Live It Fully Everyday

Over the weekend I attended a celebration of LIFE for a 36 year old young man that was a husband, father, brother and friend too many.  This young man has such an impact on others and he also lived life to the fullest in spite of what may have been going on in his daily life.  We can take a lesson from his life by choosing to live LIFE.

These are some lessons that I believe we can all choose to embrace to live LIFE fully.....

1. Laugh a lot...I believe that if you can find humor in the situations of life and enjoy laughter it will change your perspective on the situation. 

2. Find your purpose and passion. What is it that really makes your heart flow when you are working?  Spend time seeking out these opportunities.  I have a cousin that enjoys photography and she spends her free time taking pictures and sharing with us.  I am surprised at the sights in Nashville that she captures. Serve others with your gift.

3. Live Authentically....share with the world who you are. Stop allowing others to dictate who you are by limiting your engagement with the world.  Being authentic means tapping into the things that feel good in your heart and skin.  The opportunities to ask for what you want instead of taking what is served to you.

LIFE......Live It Fully Everyday

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Transition

Last week, I was having lunch with a friend and the conversation turned to the discussion of how we have been programmed to believe that if you do not have a place to go to Monday - Friday from 8am-5pm, you are not working.  She stated that she remembered when she was initally a consultant and God was speaking to her about just resting during that season to do as He was asking her to do.  She stated that she was feeling like she was not paying her due to society because she was not working a job eventhough she was doing projects and making money as a consultant.  This friend made the decision to go back into the grind of things and get a job.  She has now returned to the land of not working a 9-5 and finding her place of where she is really sensing God's call for her next assignment.

I could really understand where she was coming from because since I have stepped out and became a full-time business owner I have been faced with comments and my own inner dialog.  Just last weekend, I found myself in a similar quandry.  While attending a workshop, when asked what do I do for a living- I found myself struggling with staying consistent in what I am doing now.  I would find myself on one side I was a consultant and the other side I would go back into my old role of being a Program Director.  The transition has been one of ambiguity and freedom at the same time.

In our society, I believe that we have been programmed to believe that if you do not go to a brick and mortar place during normal business hours then you are not working.  Our identity has been tied to what we do on a daily basis.  So explaining to others what I do has been challenging through my tranisition.  I realized also that I have to establish a schedule for myself so that I can bring balance to my life.  Scheduling time to exercise, time dedicated to working as a consultant, time dedicated to working on my dissertation.

I would like to share with you my logo.