Last week, I was having lunch with a friend and the conversation turned to the discussion of how we have been programmed to believe that if you do not have a place to go to Monday - Friday from 8am-5pm, you are not working. She stated that she remembered when she was initally a consultant and God was speaking to her about just resting during that season to do as He was asking her to do. She stated that she was feeling like she was not paying her due to society because she was not working a job eventhough she was doing projects and making money as a consultant. This friend made the decision to go back into the grind of things and get a job. She has now returned to the land of not working a 9-5 and finding her place of where she is really sensing God's call for her next assignment.
I could really understand where she was coming from because since I have stepped out and became a full-time business owner I have been faced with comments and my own inner dialog. Just last weekend, I found myself in a similar quandry. While attending a workshop, when asked what do I do for a living- I found myself struggling with staying consistent in what I am doing now. I would find myself on one side I was a consultant and the other side I would go back into my old role of being a Program Director. The transition has been one of ambiguity and freedom at the same time.
In our society, I believe that we have been programmed to believe that if you do not go to a brick and mortar place during normal business hours then you are not working. Our identity has been tied to what we do on a daily basis. So explaining to others what I do has been challenging through my tranisition. I realized also that I have to establish a schedule for myself so that I can bring balance to my life. Scheduling time to exercise, time dedicated to working as a consultant, time dedicated to working on my dissertation.
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You said it! I went through a similar transition and am not quite to the other side yet. I enjoy my flexibility but am still feeling a bit odd saying I am self employed.