This topic has been percolating in my spirit for a while. I have came across this particular theme in my own life and in the life of others and it always remind me of the classic by Gladys Knight- Neither One of Us Want to Be the First to Say Goodbye. In the song, Ms. Knight is singing about the ending of a relationship that you know has come to an end but neither person wants to leave the relationship. It could mean a physical relationship or a metaphor of a relationship.
I wonder, why do we hang on to what we know is no longer functional in our life? At one time it served a purpose but now it has become an albatross around our neck. The amount of misery that it is causing us is really choking the life out of us. We don't want to make the change that needs to be made because we are comfortable with what is uncomfortable. I know that it is easier to say that I want to leave or want to stop this than it is to actually take action. The" what if" is always there to greet you. As Gladys says..those memories always gets in the way.
My question is What if I let this toxic relationship go....this toxic behavior go...then who will I be? I reflects back to living in the authentic being that you are and the willingness to get to that place of living in the authentic.
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