Monday, July 22, 2013

What is Weighing You Down?

Another lesson learned.....I was reading two post on Facebook last week.  One message was asking why is it so hard to let go of something/someone that is not good for you.  The other was about a soror that was on a plane heading home and they had to turn the plane around because it was overweight.  Then the message yesterday at church hit it home Weight Watchers (Hebrews 12:1-2).

These messages were a glaring lesson for me.  What am I holding on to that is weighing me down?  It is not those big things that trip us up, it is the small things.  Those things that are small habits like eating those chips or sweets when there is something on your mind. Those little thoughts that you ruminate on and they become worrisome thoughts.  These little things can become a way of living which is a lifestyle. 

Let's do our work....what thoughts are keeping you from moving to the next level?  What small behaviors are keeping you stuck?  Make a list of those self-defeating behaviors and/or thoughts that keep you stuck and then on the next side....what are new thoughts that you can have or new behaviors that you can change?

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. It is those little things that mess us up. At the same time, those little improvements may not seem like much at the time, but they become big improvements with time.

    Thanks for doing this blog.
