I have been struggling with blog for the past few weeks. I thought initially it was suppose to be getting to your Why! Why am I here? but it seems that it is deeper. Lately, I have been asking the question Why? Why do some people die at such a young age? Why am I still single? Why would a person go in and kill innocent people? Why did I make this decision over another?
I realize that life is about asking the question that begin with Why? so that we can figure out the How of life? Sometimes God will reveal the answer to me about Why certain things are happening in my life or in the world. Other times, He keeps me pondering the question so that I can stay closer to Him.
So one of my questions is Why am I here? What is my purpose? I gain glimpses of what my purpose on occasion and then I begin to question the How will this get done. It is not for me to figure it all out at one time so I realize it continues to be about my faith walk and me being obedient to the call.
I attended a training a couple of weeks ago. The facilitator shared an exercise with us to help us to live in integrity with our authentic self. The training was actually about a parenting program. We were asked to take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side of the paper, we listed people that we admired (alive, dead, and superhuman). On the other side, we listed attributes and traits that we admired in each person. Next, we circled common words that were found on the list. After listing the common traits, the facilitator asked use to list them on a card because these qualities are who we are authentically next to I am........
The next part of the assignment was to list what we would do if money and time was not a problem. Then we had to look for themes and list these. The next list was my intention to be....... The final question was ask...what is keep us from doing these things.
Begin to answer your WHY!
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