Saturday, October 12, 2013

Congruence....Living in Agreement and Harmony. be in agreement or harmony.  The word congruence has been resonating in my spirit over the course of this week.  This has led me to believe that I am out of agreement and harmony with who I have been called to be.  The desire to live my life  authentically and with congruency is at the top of my bucket list.

I can tell when I am out of agreement because I am more irritated, agitated and just not feeling life. It also taps into my energy level, regardless of how much rest I get, I am still tired. How many times have you felt like something is just not right and not knowing where to tap into it?  I know the first step for me  is to get back to a morning ritual of prayer and meditation.  I have been getting up early but I am forever running to get out the door.  Also, tapping into what is it that makes my heart sing.  I must ensure that I feed my heart with something that makes it sing through a daily activity.  Another thing for me is to make better decisions about what is going into my body and getting in some exercise especially during daylight hours.

Let's make a choice to live more congruently and authentically so that the world will be blessed by the uniqueness and goodness that you have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just getting back into my blogs since being in Guatemala last week, how's your mom?
