Saturday, November 16, 2013

Too Successful to be considered a Failure

Too successful to be called a failure – Clipperdome Chronicles

The theme for the week for me has been about failure. In a recent conversation with someone the following statement was posed to me- too successful to be called a failure. I found this to be an interesting observation and asked if it could be used for a blog.  The statement came out of a discussion regarding male and female relationships.  Are you too successful in most areas of your life, but consider yourself a failure because you do not have that “special” someone in your life?

In two different audios that I listen to on my commute to work this week, the theme of failure and success came to the forefront again.  I am an avid listener of the monthly CD that comes with Success Magazine and had misplaced my October edition before listening to it. Well, the CD showed up this week and I listened to it and it was about the success of failure.  One of the featured speakers was Todd Duncan and he mentioned this statement, “If you don’t have failure then you there is no need for success”.  I am also listening to Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook.  She discussed the never ending chase of having it all. Ms. Sandberg brought to light the realism that we will never have it all because that is how life is.  Life is about sacrifice and reciprocity.
How do you cope with the idea of being “too successful” but still not having it all?  When I say having it all…I mean by the world’s expectation of education, accomplished work, committed relationship (marriage) and the 2.5 children with the dog.  Do you find yourself overeducating, overeating, overspending, overachieving, overrelationshipping(ok, I know that is not a word), but being in a relationship just for the sake of being with someone?  I want to remind you that self-actualization is an inside job and we will always be seeking after it.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some very good thoughts. I'm going to ponder them for a while, I know.
    Thanks for sharing.
