Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lessons I Learned While In Europe

Last week was an experience of a lifetime for me because I took my first overseas vacation to Europe.  I have to say that I really enjoyed the experience because I got to see so many historical sights and also experience more of the beauty of God's creation.  Who would think to create such beauty out of stone and the blue of the Mediterranean Sea.  The opportunity to visit The Colosseum, St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, The City of Pomeit and the cruise down the Almafi Coast was amazing.  I was able to bask in the beauty of God.  I also learned some lessons that I would like to share:

1. The music of the 70's will make all nationalities dance and sing together.  They had a Dancing in the Streets 70's party on the cruise and everyone was dancing together to "Love Train", "YMCA" and "Brick House", etc.  The Wobble was played another night and so many people ran to the dance floor to Wobble together.

2. You are you wherever you are.....so regardless if you are at home in your comfort zone or outside your space...you will be you whereever. 

3.  Fear is a part of life but it doe not have to drive you.  While on the flight back home, God shared with me that it is okay for me to have some anxiety about the take off of the plane but I can not let it drive my experience of the plane ride.  Leading up to the trip, I experience dread about the long plane ride because I have anxiety about plane rides.  The actually ride was smooth.  If I had allowed fear to drive me I would have missed the beauty of the Almalfi Coast and the French Riveria.  Also, I would not have experience Nice and Florence whiteknuckled with my friends if I had played it safe.

I would like to share with you a picture of God's beauty>


  1. KreKa,
    Thank you for sharing this. . .especially #3. It's helpful to remember that we are indeed human and as such we will deal with emotions. And then to relax knowing that we are indeed in the hands of the Almighty God and as such He will always be sovereign and all things will ever be under His control.
