Sunday, March 25, 2012

Faith or Fear: Do you want to walk on the water?

I am currently reading John Ortberg's book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to get out of the Boat.  This book is relevant to the decision that I have to make regarding whether I want to live my best life or if I want to be comfortable and secure. The book is based on Matthew 14:22-33, when Peter asked Jesus, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." and Peter joined Him on the water.
Have you ever felt like you were being called to something different and exciting but was holding on to the familiar because of the fear of the unknown? For me, I am currently in this position...should I stay in the boat of comfort and safety or get out of the boat and answer the calling.  Faith moves you out of the boat and fear keeps you for living the best life.  At the end of our days, we want to leave this earth empty of our giftings. 

In what area of your life are you shrinking back from fully and courageously trusting God? Fear will tell you what your boat is.  Leaving it may be the hardest thing you ever do. But if you want to walk on the water, you've got to get out of the boat.  - John Ortberg

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Singleness in the City

Yesterday, I attended a focus group hosted by a colleague on Single in the City.  The composition of the group was varied.  The discussion helped me to see the different perspective and similarities of the singleness.  We shared in the discussion of the myths, stereotypes, "just how darn right RUDE statements people have made regarding being single, challenges and opportunities.  It was a great discussion because it helped me to settle more into my own singleness.  It also reminded me of various conversations that I have held over the past month with new and old acquintances about what is right with me in singleness and not what is wrong with with me. I have also realized that this season of singleness has helped me to grow as a person, I have been able to do and learn some things that would have been different if I had been married.  Singleness does come with its cross to bear especially when you desire companionship and marriage. 

Single sisters and brothers, share your myths, stereotypes, challenges and opportunities.......

Saturday, March 17, 2012

You are Priceless....Believe That

In my work as a  counselor and in everyday life, I have the opportunity to interact with individuals that have allowed the words and/or behaviors of another to make them feel less than who they are.  Growing up there was a saying, "Sticks and Stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me."  That is one of the greatest lies ever told and repeated.  The ability to realize that when another person hurts you through their actions and/or words that it is coming from their perspective and that you can not own their perspective.  My purpose today is to share with you that you are uniquely and marvelously who you are.  Your value was placed inside of you when you were created in your mother's womb and the value is PRICELESS.  We can not put a value on a person's life because we are not the creator nor giver of life.  Another person does not have the power or ability to place an amount on you.  Their words or behaviors do not depreciate who you.  Just the other day I was trying to make a decision on whether to buy the Iphone 4s or Iphone 4.  I could get the Iphone 4 for 99.00 or pay 299.00 or more for the Iphone 4s.  The major difference is Suri.  Suri is a feature that you can ask questions and she will provide you with information.  I view Suri as an affirmation tool and that her value to some increased the value of the Iphone. At the end of the day, I walked away with the Iphone 4 because I said, I can affirm myself....I do not need an external feature or person to affirm who I am. 

The lesson I want you to take away is the you are "YOU" despite the words or actions of another person.  You are "PRICELESS" far more valuable than rubies, diamonds, the words or actions of another.

Be blessed and Live your life on purpose and in purpose.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I would like to thank those who speak into my life and encourage me to get out of the boat and follow my dreams.  At times these individuals do not know just how much I appreciate them.  You are believing in me when I am not doing such a great job of believing in myself.  A shout out goes to one of my prayer partners that calls me just when I need it because the Lord has spoken to her about my situation and I know that I am on His mind because I have not shared with anyone exactly what is go on.  A lunch with a friend that wanted to connect to discuss what are some ways we can connect and just to share some things. Another individual that I work with that always say- "You already go it so just do it." My accountability sister that reminds me of whose I am and that it is so freeing to be outside of the boat. A shout out to my FB family and friends that comment or "Like" my status updates.
I don't take our connections and relationships lightly.

Who can you show appreciation to today?  Call, email or text these people today.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Wish List

Last night I watched a movie called The Wish List. The plot behind the story is a 30 something woman had created a wish list regarding the right guy for her.  She created this list to keep herself safe from the wrong guy.  She found herself in a dilemma, she met a guy name Eric that matched her wish list and she also met a guy that was completely opposite.  This movie made me think about the list the I have created:
1. A Christian man
2. Established
3. Romantic...( I love the romance of it all)
4. Enjoys traveling
5. Financially sound
6. Great sense of humor...can laugh at life
7. Family oriented
8. Conversationalist

Also today as I was catching up on The Revolution, a show on ABC that I enjoy because of the Hero of the Week stories.  This past week showed a single mother that was getting back into the dating game and she went on a date and did not feel the "tingle".  Dr. Tiffany asked her how did the tingle work in the past.  So she started stepping outside of her comfort zone and began to date past the first date.  These two situations have me asking myself is my list there to keep me safe or it is there to give me foundational criteria.  Is your wish list there to keep you safe or just as a guide ? 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Living Life on Purpose and in Purpose is a Everyday Thing!!!!

We are coming to the end of the first quarter of 2012, our year of divine destiny and order.  If anyone is like me some precious time has been wasted because I have not been intention about living my life on purpose and in purpose.  I want to start wasting time and get in position.  It has come to my attention that I am in my purpose but I am in the wrong place and possible position.  This means that I am out of divine order. This journey to living on purpose and in purpose is one of self discovery and faith.  I contiunally ask why was I called into counseling.  I see counseling as an avenue of helping a person live their best life.  The American Counseling Association (ACA) defines counseling as a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals.  This definition lines up with my mission of helping others to live their best life through counseling, coaching, counselor education and supervision. 

So I must be intentional about living my life on purpose and in purpose everyday to stay in divine order. What do you need to do to live life on purpose and in purpose?