Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Beginnings

Today is the beginning of a new season in my life.  I have such a peace and excitement about the unlimited possibilities of being an independent consultant.  When I write my post I fully take into consideration what my heart is speaking for me to share with you.  I must confess that the peace that I am experiencing is a little anxiety provoking.  Today as I went through the activities of my day, I can only describe it as this is "right" for me at this time.

Driving along and listening to Jim Rohn, he asked the question of why be part of you when you can be ALL of you? This question really resonated with my spirit. Why do we shrink back and not tap into the ALL of who we are and not allow the world experience our full potential?  I have found that our limiting beliefs about who we are or the measures that we have set for ourselves based on another person's expectation or what they say. 

I had a revelation this weekend while participating in a Prayer Journal Workshop.  The workshop was to help us to use creative means in prayer.  In the past, I have not ever thought that I was creative because I subscribe creativity to music, art, singing, photography, etc.  I have never described myself as being creative.  The revelation to me was since we are created in the image of God and He placed His spirit in us- this would mean that we are creative beings.  He created the world into being by speaking..which means creativity can be in what we can speak, write, or through other means.

Allow the world to experience ALL of you by being ALL of you.

Blessings and Peace,


1 comment:

  1. Yahoo for you. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
