Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1 2014: Make This Your Best Year Yet

As we embrace the first day of a new year, we realize that we have 365 days to make this the best year of our life starting now.  Intentionality is key to making the appropriate changes and setting the course to it being your best year.  What does intentionality look like?

1. How will you know that 2014 has been your best year?  So you have to begin with the end in mind, who and where do you want to be December 31, 2014.  Write your vision and keep it in front of you (Habakkuk 2:2)

2. What do you need to do? Make a list of the tasks (goals) you will have to achieve to see your vision come to pass.  Your overall goals along with action steps to achieve each step.

3. Who will keep you on task? We all need an accountability partner or system.  At the beginning of each day read your vision and goals.  Ask yourself what is one or two things you can do to get you closer to your vision.  Do something every day.

Follow me on Twitter at @lacrecialpc and on Facebook   

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