Sunday, July 8, 2012


How many times have you been in your car using your GPS system and you had to be redirected because you missed your turn?  Redirection does not mean that you are not going to make it to your destination, it means that the route you were taking had to change.  Revisioning means that a change has been made in the original document or plan.  Repositioning is being placed in your rightful position again.  These three words are similar in nature but also offer hope to get to our destination.

Over the course of time, I have made plans of how I wanted things to work out or set goals for my destiny.  Sometimes it has happen as plan but other times I have been redirected to do it a different way.  I have been wrestling in making a decision regarding my next destination in my professional journey.  I have become overwhelmed and feeling like that I was running out of time when it came to making a decision that would have an impact on my destiny. 

After much contemplation, I realized that although the path has been redirected reaching the destination will be the same.  In the situations of when we want to change positions, we have to look at where we are and look for new opportunities until the time comes to move on.  The vision that God has given to us will come to pass...we just have to look at the minor adjustments to the plan as the opportunity to know about His will for our life. 

1 comment:

  1. You'll make it. I have no doubt. You are one of the most spiritual individuals I know. You will go where your are directed by God.
