Sunday, July 15, 2012

Time Management or Not?

Over the past couple of weeks the concept of time has been pushed to the forefront of my mind.  I attended a funeral and one of the ministers broke down the timespan of the person's life by years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.  How well did this person utilize the time that he had on earth?  Then I was reminded that time is not to be managed.  I was thinking that I needed to manage my time better. God quickly spoke to me and reminded me that I can not manage time but I could use my time more intentionally. 

How many times have you said, I need more hours in the day to get things accomplished?  I know that I have said that many times. The other day, while sitting in a meeting for upcoming practicum students they were reminded that we are all given 168 hours a week.  The students were asked to take into account all the things that use their times so that they could plan to have an additional 20 hours of activity in their life.  So let us think, how are you really using your time? 

The intentional use of time is key to accomplishing goals and living an empowered life.  If the goal is to exercise, intentionally schedule time each day to exercise.  If the goal is to start a business, schedule time to begin working on your busines plan for 15 minutes a day.  There are things in our lives that are time wasters such as watching mindless TV, social media for hours at a time, etc. This week look at your time and schedule what is priority to the intentional times you want to spend your time.

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