Thursday, February 28, 2013

Become an Expert

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. - Jim Rohn

I have been working to integrate some different principles into my daily life such as reading for 30 minutes a day something instructional and also turning my car into a mobile classroom. Did you know that if you spend this time learning, you can become an expert in your given field in 3-5 years.   As I was driving into work this morning, I was listening to Jim Rohn and he shared the following principle - "Work harder on yourself than you do on your job."

Personal developoment is key to growth as an individual. What can you do to improve where you are in the next month?  Are there areas in your life that you want to increase your knowledge about? Find a book on the topic and spend time reading 30 minutes a day.  I suggest that you read 15 minutes in the morning and follow up with 15 minutes before bed.  Or find a CD or podcast on the subject and listen on your commute  to and from work. 

I want to become more knowledgable about leadership and human potential so I spend time reading different books on leadership and listen to CD on human potential.  My challenge to you is increase your knowledge to get ahead of the person in the cubicle or car next to you.

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