Sunday, May 27, 2012

Passion: What Makes Your Heart Sing?

In my last post, I discussed Passion and Desire.  I finished reading "The Passion Test" and finally identified my top 5 passions for the present time.  The authors have you list 10-15 of things that you are passionate about and then go through the list to narrow them down to your top 5.  I must say that this was a challenging process for me because I have been trying to put it in the right words and context.  Also I had the belief that it had to be permanent, but as I continued reading the book, the authors suggest that you review your passions every 6 months to see if they have changed,  Another suggestion the authors offer is that when you have to make a decision choose in the way of your passion. 

Currently my top 5 passions are the following:

When my life is ideal, I am ________________________________:

  1. living authenically in all areas of my life....spiritually, mentally, physically and financially.
  2. spending quality time with family and friends.
  3. owning my own business creating multiple streams of income, flexibility in schedule and variety of task.
  4. providing enlightment and empowerment to others on how to live their passion and be their authentic self.
  5. traveling to different places teaching and learning information to share with others.
Choosing opportunities that will get me closer to my passions are revealing themselves on a daily basis.  As I intentionally pay attention without working hard to create these opportunities mean that they are lining up with God's will.  These things make my heart sing when I am moving forward.

Live intentional and in purpose as you identify your passions and make choices toward your passion.  What do you do that make your heart sing? Pay attention to the opportunities to move and live in your passion.

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