Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Few Good Men.....

Over the past week, I have had several different thoughts that have crossed my mind "spirit" about am I missing out on someone special because I have these high expectations. At one time I would say, I would never date a guy that has ......... and some of these things were superficial.  Then I began to think what would my family or friends say if I dated someone that had xxxx or worked xxxx.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not lowering my expectations when it comes to certain deal breakers.  These deal breakers include no job, no relationship with God, married or involved in a relationship with someone, trifling, abusive just to name a few. 

I have gotten to know some really good guys that are trying to make an impact on society but their past or education may have a couple of chips in it.  These men have a relationship with God but do not go to church every Sunday.  These men may use street slang but are working on a degree or working hard everyday to handle their business.  They may have a child or I am not talking about the brother that has a basketball team and has never been married but just having unprotected sex with whoever.  I am talking about the guy that may be working a regular everyday job making ends meet and impacting the community. 

It made me think more about the fact that my dad worked two jobs for over 25 years in the service industry to provide for us.  I consider my dad to be a good man because he does have a relationship with God, he is a provider, he knows what family is about but he does not hold a college degree.  He has showed me what a good man represents.  I appreciate Bobby Dangerfield.

Who do you know that is a good man?

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