Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksgiving and Gratitude....November 2012

This month we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 22nd so let's kick the month off right by thinking about what you are thankful for or grateful for each day.  I know that we have been impacted by alot of different things that could be seen as negative but when you have a grateful/thankful heart you see things differently. 

Yesterday on my drive to school, I was listening to a Darren Hardy-editor for Success Magazine and he was talking about how he keeps a gratitude journal for different people and areas of his life.  He takes 5 minutes a day to write down what he is grateful or thankful about for the person or situation.  He shared a story about how he had began keeping a gratitude journal for his wife and presented it to her as a gift.  The gift was proclaimed the best gift that she had ever received.

As I think on this first day of November and what or who I am thankful for or about, I am thankful for my relationship with God and my family and friends.  This people I sometimes take for granted but I truly and thankful!  So each day think about and journal- What am I thankful for today?

Be Blessed

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