Sunday, January 6, 2013

Reality Has Set In

We are on the 6th day of the new year and reality has set in.  I experienced disappointment yesterday as I stepped on the scale at my Weight Watchers meeting.  The scale showed that I was up 2 pounds even though I had tracked my points to the most part and did some activity.  Initially, I was frustrated because and experienced a moment of negative self talk that included it is not worth it, you are too old to be trying to lose weight and you are going backwards.  Then reality set in and I asked myself a couple of questions, has it really been a week- no just a couple of days of serious committment and are you a failure - no because you have 51 more weeks until the end of the year.

Initially, I joined Weight Watchers with my aunt just to go with her on her journey and she had lost 15 pounds.  I was not really committed to the program but was just showing up because I wanted her to be a success.  As I was sitting in the meeting on yesterday, I met a 58 year old lady that has lost over 100 pounds and has maintained her loss for almost a year.  She told me it is all about your mind get your mind right.  Instead of leaving the meeting and doing the usual, I ate my oatmeal, got in 30 minutes of exercise and made better choices most of the day.

I have also made the decision to track everything good or bad and committ to getting in my exercise.  I realized that going to the Y is not my favorite thing but I enjoy doing Walk Away The Pounds DVD's at home and I am going to add a line dance class.  I have also challenged myself to pack my lunch and eat it at work instead of going out to lunch all the time.  It is these microactions that will get me closer to my goal.

What are your goals and what microaction(s) can you take this week to get you closer to your goal?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with WW. I know you can do it. Anyone that is as close to a PhD as you, has got the determination to do anything.

    BTW, you'll save money packing lunches, too.

    I can't wait to read about your success.
