Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Day New Year 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we embrace a new day along with a new year, I want to first say that my prayer for you is that 2013 is your best year yet.

Alot of people take this time to think about goals that they would like to accomplish in the new year because it is like having a new beginning.  We can wipe the old slate clear and begin again.  Well, as I was purging some things at the end of 2012, I decided to get rid of my old journals ( a need because I have hoarder tendencies).  I was flipping through a few and realized that each year, I had been living a similar life.  I felt like Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day.  In this movie, Phil (Bill Murray) is a weatherman that found himself living the same day over and over again.  This can describe life sometimes because we get caught up in the day to day routine and the years pass by. 

So as I purged these journals and had a conversation with God....it was spoken into my spirit that to have a different life, I must make a change.  Which means that I have to do some things differently.  If I want to defend my dissertation by October 2013, I have to set aside time to read, write and research on a daily basis.  If I want to be healthy and stop the threat of diabetes, I have to make better choices in what I eat and be committed to more activity. How many times have you heard that the definition of insantity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"?  This rings true in so many situations.  So what are you going to do differently this day and this year?

I was listening to Brian Tracey discuss goal setting and he stated that most people will select one goal in each of the following areas: health, relationship and finance.  Are these categories that your goals for the year fit in? 

Let's break the year into quarters....so what can you do for the next 90 days to either accomplish your goal or get your closer to the accomplishment of the goal? I would love to hear from you.

May this be our best year yet!!!!!!

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