Thursday, April 4, 2013

Searching For the Me That I Am

In the constant journey of self-improvement, the question is posed when will we be at our true self. Some would argue never because we are always evolving. I beg to differ because my belief is that the essence of the true you was deposited inside of you before your entrance on earth.  So we are searching for the "me" before all of the stories were written about who you are suppose to be in this world.  Before we adopted certain beliefs, values and roles. Our stories have helped us to survive in this ever changing world but our true "me" is searching.   Circumstances and events have mirrored your perspective of who you are, but are these perspectives true of who you really are.  Yes, they happened but did they take value from your true self-worth.

The realization that we all seek love and we seek it differently is paramount to how we receive love and how we see who we are.  We are asking someone to love our true self even when we have put up our world invented self. The essence of who we are is calling out for you to return back to that place of authenticity. This awakening and searching shows up in different ways from seeking balance in your everyday life or being frustrated because the relationships are not aligning like they should or just one day waking up and say I want more. 

Center yourself and begin to listen to what your authentic self is saying.

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